COTTAGE Bowl at Ohio State 11/8/14

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COTTAGE Bowl at Ohio State 11/8/14

Postby tintinnabulation » Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:56 pm

The Ohio State University Academic Team apologizes for the late notice but is pleased to announce that we will be holding a mirror of COTTAGE Bowl after ACF Fall on November 8, 2014.

This is an open tournament. You do not have to play ACF Fall to play; everyone is eligible. However, we would like people from the same school to play together if possible.

The original COTTAGE Bowl announcement can be found here.

Fee structure:
Base fee per team: $10 per regular (non-finals) round played, capped at $80
Travel discount: -$10 per 200 miles
Buzzer discount: -$10 each
Staffer discount: -$15 each
Teams with 1 or 2 players: -$15 discount

To sign up, please email Tyler Friesen at friesen.15[at]osu[dot]edu.

EDIT: Due to the uncertainty about how many teams are going to attend, we are making the following changes to the fee structure: The base fee will be $10 per regular (non-finals) round played, capped at $80. Additionally, we are adding a $15 discount for teams with 1 or 2 players, to encourage players who want to participate even if the rest of their team wants to return home after ACF Fall.
Brittany Trang
Peoria Christian '13
Vice President, Ohio State '17
Writer, NAQT
Posts: 23
Joined: Thu May 01, 2014 10:57 am

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