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Solon Fall Tournament 10/22

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:54 am
by pbergman
We are running a small tournament to appeal mostly to Cleveland area teams who have been lagging in local opportunities for the last couple years. But they've had some time to register and we're now opening up to anyone else who's interested. I know some leagues are using this set, but if you're not, please consider playing this tournament!

Solon High School will be hosting the North Ohio Fall Tournament on October 22nd, 2022. We are using NAQT Introductory Set 212-A for this event. This set is being used for some leagues and other tournaments, so please confirm before registering that you are not playing this set in another event.

We ask that you arrive no later than 8:30 AM to Solon High School, 33600 Inwood Dr. Solon, OH 44139. There will be a brief opening meeting, but the bulk of tournament format and logistics will be communicated to teams beforehand.

Entry fees are $65 per team for this tournament, with a reader discount of $10 and a buzzer discount of $5. There is a base fee per team of $50. Readers are very much requested – thanks in advance!

Teams will be guaranteed a minimum of 8-10 games. We have an initial field cap of 18 teams, though that can expand depending on interest and staffing. Matches will be untimed, 20 Tossups/3 Part Bonus. Five second timings will be used for everything.

Lunch will be pre-ordered pizzas.

Two steps for registration: 1) Register team(s) online at ... t_id=13874. 2)email me at peterbergman AT solonboe DOT org to claim any buzzer and/or reader discounts.

Let me know if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you on October 22nd!.